Shop – The Triumph of the Speculators

The Triumph of the Speculators by Joan Hatton and Lesley Muir


15 October 1884 saw the opening of the Illawarra railway line as far as Hurstville. We are interest in the activities on the day, and the momentous changes to the district which followed in subsequent years. We tend to overlook the many years of physical toil in constructing the railway and more often we are unaware of the political and social background to the decision to proceed with the proposal.

Joan Hatton and Lesley Muir by extensive research have unearthed a great many new facts which change our understanding of the railway proposal. We learn the fascinating background to the unusual route followed by the railway in its sweep to the west after leaving Kogarah station, and Thomas Holt, for long considered the person responsible for this, has his reputation redeemed.

Length: 84 pages.

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