Shop – Early Settlers of St George

Early Settlers of St George


Australia is a very young country and most of its history concerns people rather than great events. These people were often born in distant places and had to adapt to a strange and sometimes hostile environment in the land of their adoption.

This book tells the story of some of those people who settled in the St. George District in the days when it was still virgin scrub. They had character. They had faith and they had vision and they fought the elements, the loneliness and the isolation to earn a living from the soil and to raise their families.

Many of them lived on into the present century to see the district they pioneered, developed and flourished and ultimately become absorbed into the great metropolis of Sydney.

They have left their imprint by a handful of pioneer homes that still remain, in the names of some of our streets and suburbs and by a host of proud and purposeful descendants.

Length: 51 pages.

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