New SGHS Logo During our November meeting, members unanimously approved a new logo designed by Tina Workman. The striking image at the centre of the logo is of the legend of Saint George and the Dragon. It represents our connection to the St George District. Magazine Archive Our society has published a regular newsletter/bulletin/magazine since …
The Rockdale Historical Society – Tasks For The New Society
Precis of a talk delivered on 12th July, 1961, by Mr. W. Foster (Councillor of the Royal Historical Society of N.S.W. and Headmaster of the James Cook High School, Kogarah) The chief task of any newly formed Historical Society is to add to the information already in existence. The Rockdale Historical Society has an almost …
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No Ordinary Flag
In 1915, after the Anzacs landed at Gallipoli and as men around the country were joining the Australian Imperial Force, a small group at Bexley Public School took up their needles to support the war effort. By making a donation to the local fund to buy ‘comforts’ for the troops, donors could have their names …
A Suggested Sunday Afternoon Drive
by Ron Rathbone Note: This self-guided history drive was published in 1962. After almost 60 years of change, it’s a fascinating journey into the past. Commencing at the new Cooks River Bridge. On your right you have the lovely 134-year-old country retreat of Alexander Brodie Spark. Continue along Princes Highway to Burrows Street then turn …
The Early Settlement of Wolli Creek
by Gifford Eardley The Wolli Creek, one of the principal tributaries of Cook’s River, junctions with the latter immediately adjacent to the railway bridge at Tempe. In former years its upper waters flowed complacently through a gently sloped forested area which merged into sandstone hill country in the vicinity of the present day Bexley North …