One of the most consistent enemies of Historical Societies and those interested in the preservation of relics of our earlier days are the Oil Companies – those people who seem to have unlimited capital and a passion for building Service Stations wherever some fine reminder of the district’s beginnings has managed to withstand the passing …
The Gannons of Tempe: Frederick Gannon Senior
By Anne Carolan The name Gannon is familiar even to newer residents of the St Peters/Tempe area because it features as the name of a street. Long-time residents still call the now dilapidated old home in Union Street, ‘Gannon’s Place’. Those interested in local history will know that the road to Hurstvile was once called …
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Reminiscences with a Touch of St. George
by Bettye Ross The following was told to me by two very charming ladies named Jess Chadwick and her sister Georgie some years ago. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the manner it was told to me, mainly by Jess, Georgie who had early Alzheimers didn’t really have much to say. Unfortunately Jess moved before we could …
Federation-Era Arncliffe
This photo is one of a series taken from “The Towers” at Arncliffe in the early part of this century. Standing forlorn and neglected atop the Forest Road ridge, “The Towers” has sweeping views of the whole of Arncliffe. The series of photographs was taken sequentially in a 360 degree radius and present a clear …
Wazir Street, Arncliffe
by R. W. Rathbone (based on the research of E. C. B. McLeurin, former Head of the Department of Semitic Studies, Sydney University) Early in 1989, I was asked by the Council to compile a list of the streets in the Municipality of Rockdale and how they received their names. Many are named after the …