Request a Speaker

The St George Historical Society welcomes requests to speak about our local history.
Talk topics:
- Lydham Hall Historic House and Museum. Discover the fascinating details of this grand Victorian era home and its characters.
- Cemeteries. Learn how cemeteries become what they are today and the meanings of the varied headstone designs.
- Message in a Bottle. In March 1912, Agnes Gibson set sail for Sydney on a journey that would change her life. One hundred years later, her grand-daughter, Anne Field, committed the story in a bottle to the Southern Ocean. Hear a tale of adventure, which honours the bravery of our early British immigrants, and discusses our social history.
- Moorefield Racecourse. Kogarah once hosted horse racing. Learn about our only racecourse in St George, the Moore family, jockeys, trainers, stables, Kogarah Golf Club, and what became of the site after the racecourse was sold.
- South Head Cemetery. Atop the cliffs of Bronte, this heritage-listed cemetery with Victorian and Edwardian monuments has significant links to our nation’s history.
Complete this form to request a SGHS Speaker for your event: