Nominations for Election of Office Holders – July 2024 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the St George Historical Society Inc. will be held on Saturday, 20 July 2024 at 2pm at Level 3, Rockdale Library.

All office holder positions are empty at the time of the AGM.
Members may also nominate during the AGM.

Office Bearers to be elected

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
Committee Members
  • Curator
  • Librarian
  • Lydham Hall Advisory Committee (up to 4 positions)*
  • Newsletter Co-ordinator
  • Public Officer
  • Publicity Officer
  • Research Officer

Office Holder Nomination Form

Position Descriptions

  • President The President is the administrative head of the Society and directs its affairs subject to the control of the Committee. He or she is a member of all sub-committees and shall chair all Meetings of the Society.
  • Vice President The Vice President acts as a consultant to the President and shall take the place of the President during his or her absence.
  • Secretary The Secretary is the executive officer of the Society and custodian of its records, keeps minutes of the Society and Committee, conducts correspondence, and acts as liaison officer with officers of other associations.
  • Treasurer The Treasurer is responsible for the recording and reporting of the Society’s finances, including the collection of money for membership, sales, events, as well as responsibility for any investments.
  • Curator The Curator oversees the collection by managing the acquisition, preservation and display of objects currently kept at Lydham Hall Historic House and Museum.
  • Librarian The Librarian oversees the collection of research and reading material available for members and visitors at Lydham Hall Historic House and Museum.
  • Lydham Hall Advisory Committee (up to 4 positions) The LHAC is a joint committee consisting of up to 3 Bayside Councillors and up to 4 SGHS members (including the President). The LHAC will manage the building and the grounds on behalf of Bayside Council and will support the SGHS in the preservation, management and interpretation of the museum. The LHAC will meet (at least) quarterly to oversee the management of the museum.
  • Newsletter Co-ordinator The co-ordinator edits the articles for the Society newsletter, which is distributed monthly.
  • Public Officer The Public Officer is required to liaise with the Department of Fair Trading and the National Charities and Not For Profits Commission for the required correspondence regarding the Society’s activities.
  • Publicity Officer The Publicity Officer manages the activities related to the public face of the Society and will be responsible for marketing the aims, events and activities of the Society. The publicity officer will manage the Society’s social media (website, Facebook, and Instagram pages) and will liaise with the Marketing team at Bayside Council to promote the Society and Lydham Hall Historic House and Museum.
  • Research Officer The Research Officer will undertake research on behalf of the Society and respond to requests for information from members and the general public.

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