by Gifford & Eileen Eardley The early settlement of the Kogarah district largely followed the route of the old established Rocky Point Road, which, as a rough bush track, had been constructed to the order of Governor Sir George Gipps, about the 1840s. The region was devoted to market gardening and the cultivation of orchards. …
A Tale of Two Ladies
by Ron Rathbone When I was eleven and in Year 6 at Carlton Public School, my father, a successful businessman, decided it was time “I learned the use of money”. I am not sure whether he attributed his success in business to the fact that when he was growing up he had been a paper …
John Murphy of “Leeholme”, Bexley and the Horse Buses
John Joseph Murphy was born at Concord, New South Wales, in 1869. He was born with a great love of horses, which was to remain with him all his life. As a young man he entered the Meat Trade, in the beginning carting meat, and gradually learning every phase of the business over several years. …
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Cameos Of Development
Extracts from the Citizen Newspapers 1894 Telephone Service – 24th February, 1894 A movement is on foot to try and get a telephone exchange at Rockdale and already eight or nine of the residents have handed in their names as willing to become subscribers. Fifteen subscribers are required for a day service, from 9 a.m. …
Alexander Brodie Spark 1792 – 1856
Merchant – Banker – Shipowner – Pastoralist – Gentleman by R.W. Rathbone Alexander Brodie Spark as born on 9th August, 1792 in Elgin, Morayshire, Scotland, the third child of George Spark, a watchmaker and goldsmith and his wife Mary Gordon. He was educated at the local academy where he showed signs of literary talent and …