President’s Report for 2023-2024

Greetings fellow St. George Historical Society Inc members,

Without doubt, this past year has proven to be the most logistically challenging yet reinvigorating year in the life of the St. George Historical Society Inc. for many, many years. The historical ‘jewel in Bayside City Council’s crown’ and the home of our society, Lydham Hall has like the proverbial phoenix, risen from the ashes. The exterior is resplendent under a superbly restored slate roof, with all verandah trimmings repainted and the surrounding gardens looking neat, well cared for and becoming for the gracious sandstone house set in their midst. Meanwhile, the interior is while still a work in progress, nonetheless tastefully set-up, being both clean and welcoming. The throngs of visitors, which average 90+ on the monthly Open Days are quite effusive in their praise of the house and its grounds. The proof as they say is in the pudding….Or rather, the Devonshire teas, pumpkin soup and beverages served on the rear verandah with its delightful view over the garden. It is wonderful to see young and the ‘young at heart’ relaxed and partaking in fellowship, food and fun. The Open Days are only possible due to the untiring enthusiasm and unstinting labours of the Society’s volunteers. The charismatic Tina and her willing team of fellow volunteers, whose ‘sleeves rolled-up, get the job done attitude’ keep the doors open and the kettle boiling. I take this opportunity to thank Tina for her dogged determination to persevere notwithstanding a very challenging year with ailing parents, house renovations, property sale and retirement, to name but a few matters. To mention specific volunteers would be imprudent, as I would invariably miss others of equal merit. Suffice to say, thank you to those volunteers who take tours and interact with visitors, prepare and serve food, sell merchandise, take admissions and sales, plus keep the house and grounds in a very presentable state. Many thanks all!

I would like to thank Robert McGarn for his quiet and efficient undertaking of his Public Officer and Vice Presidential tasks, Anne Field for her very determined and proficient efforts to raise the Society’s profile as Publicity Officer and her dedication to the upcoming Christmas in July dinner, which is the Society’s inaugural fund raising event this season. Barry Johnson aside from capturing and recording the lion’s share of funds generated at Lydham Hall, or at meetings and other events, is also working assiduously behind the scenes to maintain the Society’s website and Facebook pages, plus ensure proper accounting records are kept including provision of Annual Financial statements. Laurice Bondfield could well be said to be a ‘trooper’, the last six months in particular have not been kind to her as regards her health. Nevertheless, she has soldiered on and has expertly recorded minutes, drafted correspondence, worked on the Society’s newsletter, coordinated speakers and afternoon teas as well as ‘keeping me on track’, which is no mean feat!

I come back once more to Tina, who has been the mainstay of the Society’s operations at Lydham Hall. Tina has worked tirelessly and painstakingly concerning the complex and intense negotiations had with Bayside City Council. She continues to play a key role in our negotiations with Council. Many thanks Tina, we are indeed indebted to you. Finally, thank you to all members who assist with ideas, logistical support, an encouraging word here and there, plus honour the Society with your presence. I cast my eyes around recent meetings and see members from of old, but increasingly, ‘new blood’, almost all stemming from the Lydham Hall Open Days. I am confident the balance of 2024 will prove to be a most excellent and fulfilling year for the Society and all fellow members. Onwards and upwards!

Madam Secretary kindly provided me with a summary of the last 12 months’ speakers. The monthly meetings have seen nautical themed topics such as the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, The Shark Arm Case, Anne Field’s ‘Message in a Bottle’ and a History of St George Sailing Club. Other themes explored local areas such as talks on World War 2 in Arncliffe, Growing up in Dolls Point, Zofia Laba’s presentation on local leadlight window artist John Radecki, Janette Pelosi’s Joseph Davis: From Lidham Hill to Lydham Hall and finally the more broad brushed Reluctant Pioneers which provided a fascinating account of life in the early days of the Colony presented by Beverley Earnshaw.

Especial mention must be made of the February Grand Reopening of the Lydham Hall museum. This event was well patronised by Bayside and Georges River Councillors including Bayside City Mayor, Bill Saravinovski who fittingly launched the reopening, Local History librarians for Bayside City and other councils, office bearers and members of other historical societies, members of other community groups, members and friends. The day was warm (as ‘hot as Hades’ in the 1970s kitchen), but the goodwill and enthusiasm of all present were an excellent counterfoil. This event made-up for all of the days, weeks, months and years of a house in disrepair and a collection in moth balls and desperately in need of some tender loving care.

Whilst we have gained many new members, we also need to acknowledge the sad passing of Mr. Peter Orlovich which was advised by Olga Sedneva. Peter had originally joined the Society in the 1960s and his research and first hand acquaintanceship with early members of the Society, as well as the late authoress Christina Stead as identified by Olga Sedneva, provided others with a wealth of knowledge, which is still being investigated. A well done is also due to our fellow member Jeanette Pelosi who was recognised for her contribution to the annual Ron Rathbone Local History Award competition and also to Olga Sedneva, an independent scholar for her entry too. Well done ladies!

It is necessary to look to the past, but even more important to consider the future. The Christmas in July fund raising dinner which is being held at the Bexley RSL Club is scheduled for next Tuesday night. Anne Field has been the mastermind behind this excellent initiative. We have about 60 confirmed bookings and the evening should be replete with fine fellowship, food, friendliness and fun. Thank you to Laurel Horton for assisting with organising the trivia and local artist, Pamela Griffith, who has most generously donated a painting for which raffle tickets are now on sale. Pamela will speak about the painting at the dinner. Other events are being planned for the Society in the general area and at Lydham Hall, so stay tuned!

With all good wishes,
Wesley Fairhall
President, St. George Historical Society Inc.

The Sydney And Suburban Municipalities: West Botany, 1888

During the late 1880s the Sydney Morning Herald published a series of articles on the Municipalities of Sydney. This article was dedicated to West Botany.
The Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday, 5 January, 1888, p4

The borough of West Botany was incorporated on the 13th of January, 1871. It has an area of about six square miles, and is bounded on the north by Cook’s River, on the south by George’s River, on the east by Botany Bay, and on the west by Wolli Creek and Rocky Point-road. A little more than twelve months ago a large additional area was annexed to the original area, and the borough was then divided into the three existing wards, viz., Rockdale Ward, Arncliffe Ward, and Scarborough Ward.

West Botany. Parish of St. George. Lithographed & published by Higinbotham & Robinson, c.1888.

A bill is now before Parliament for the purpose of changing the name of the municipality. Two substitutes are suggested, Scarborough and Rockdale, but on account of certain objections to the former it being, in fact, the name of a post town in another part of the colony it is considered probable that the latter will be adopted.

At the present time there is no system of sewerage in the borough, but a combined movement is on foot to devise a system of drainage to accommodate the whole of West Botany, Kogarah, and Hurstville. The water supply is obtained from tanks and wells but, in consequence of the Nepean scheme being now available, a petition has been prepared for presentation to the Sydney Corporation asking that the mains be extended to the municipality.

According to a census recently taken, the population of West Botany amounts to 3267, which includes 195 Chinese. The sanitary condition of the borough is stated to be good. The aggregate length of the streets is about 50 miles, of which 20 are made and 30 unmade. Kerbing and guttering of footpaths have only just been commenced, but asphalting has not yet been introduced. Some of the streets have been aligned, but those in the new subdivisions have not, neither have they been formed or improved.

It should, however, be remembered that until the opening up of the district by the construction of the Illawarra railway line, the bulk of the inhabitants were market gardeners, poultry breeders, &c., and it is only during a comparatively short period that the land occupied by them has been utilised for building purposes, notably at Rockdale and Kogarah, which are fast becoming thickly populated.

Independently of the numerous contracts for road making now in hand, the council employ on an average about 20 day labourers ; but they have for the second time -taken advantage of the Government subsidy by employing 50 of the “unemployed” class on public works of a permanent character.The council have just entered into a contract with the Australian Gaslight Company for a period of five years for the supply of gas at the rate of £6 per lamp per annum, and 5s. 6d. per thousand cubic feet for gas supplied by meter to private consumers. The mains are now being laid down, and 27 lamps have been ordered as the first instalment.

The localities to be supplied are starting are Rocky Point Road and, Gannon’s Forest – road, Arncliffe street, Illawarra-road, Wollongong-road, Harrow road, Bay street, and West Botany- street; and next Anniversary Day will be celebrated in the borough by the first lighting of the public lamps.Up to the present time a small building at Arncliffe – a freehold property belonging to the council-has been used as the council chamber; but the increasing business of the municipality has long since outgrown the accommodation afforded. The council some time ago secured a more central site on the Rocky Point-road, near the Rockdale railway station, for a new and commodious town hall.

This is now in course of erection, the contract price for the building being £2495. The town hall will contain a large meeting room, with sitting accommodation for 600 persons; a spacious council room, together with suitable rooms for all the municipal officers; a free public library and reading-room ;an apartment for friendly, society meetings, and quarters for the caretaker. It is also intended to arrange a portion of the building to meet the requirements of a post-office.

A large portion of the low-lying lands is still occupied as market gardens, the Chinese paying much higher rents for such land than Europeans. West Botany is amply provided with reserves and water frontages. Cook Park, better known as Lady Robinson’s Beach, skirt Botany Bay, and is about seven miles in length. Its width varies from 100 ft at Webb’s Grant to 15 chains at Doll’s Point, and it is one of the most picturesque beaches in the world.

Scarborough Park, which is about 100 acres in extent, is situated a few chains back from the beach, at the southern portion of the district About 80 acres have been already laid out and planted with between 1100 and 1200 ornamental shrubs and trees. The trustees intend converting the greater part of the swampy portion of the park into a large lake,which will have a depth of at least 8ft. in the driest seasons.

The park is almost entirely surrounded by wide streets-notably, the Boulevard, 3 chains in width; Frederick-street, Lawrence-street, and Walter street, each 2 chains ; Park-street, 72 feet ; and Tonbridge-street, 1 chain. About 30 acres forming the best portion of Scarborough Park was a free gift to the public by the Hon. Thomas Holt, and is, with the rest of the reserve, now dedicated and placed under the control of trustees.

West Botany is easy of access by train from Sydney, there being two stations within its boundaries From Rockdale, a tramway, built by Mr. T. Saywell, runs to Lady Robinson’s Beach, where commodious baths, for both ladies and gentlemen, have also been erected by the same enterprising colonist. A Government tram runs from Kogarah station to Sandringham and Sans Souci. This line is three miles long, and the other one mile, and both have done much towards opening up most delightful health resorts.

The total number of houses in the municipality in April last was 650, and the number of ratepayers on the municipal roll 1128. The total capital value of rateable property is estimated at £754,810, and the total annual assessed value is £17,137. The only rate levied is the general municipal rate of 1s. in the pound,which produced during the year £2350. The total revenue from all sources last year amounted to £2394, and the total expenditure for the same period £3330 (the revenue and expenditure accounts of the annexed area are not included in these items). The Government endowment was at the rate of 5s. in the pound.

Two loans of £3000 and £10,000 respectively have been raised in Sydney, each bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. The rapidity of the progress of West Botany may be gathered from the fact that in 1882 the total estimated capital value of rateable property was only £102,315, the estimated annual value £7153, the total annual revenue from all sources £724, and the total expenditure £847, while the total number of ratepayers on the roll was only 199.

But notwithstanding the much smaller revenue previous to 1882, many good works in the shape of roads and bridges were carried out by the pioneer ratepayers, who rendered assistance occasionally by lending their horses and carts, and doing manual labour themselves voluntarily. The following gentlemen were the mayors during the years named;
William Yates 1871;
James Beehag 1872, 1873;
Elias Godfrey 1874;
James Beehag 1875,1876;
James Collins 1877;
John Bowmer 1878 to 1884;
W. G. Judd 1885, 1886, 1887;

Mr. Thomas Leeder is council clerk.

Browse the magazine archive.

St Magdalen’s Retreat Tempe – Just a Penitentiary?

by Mary Barthelemy*

St Magdalen’s Chapel, 2019 (Courtesy of Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0)

St Magdalen’s Tempe was an offshoot of the Good Samaritan Sisters’ House of the Good Shepherd in Sydney’s Pitt Street. Destitute women, including former prostitutes, were cared for in this refuge from the Order’s beginnings in the mid-19th century. Laundries were features of these establishments as they had a dual function – to help the women and provide a regular income to support the institution. These ‘fallen women’, ‘penitents’, are the subject of the ABC Radio National program The Missing Magdalens.

The ABC illustrated the first version of the program (19 July 2023) with an image of a young girl in a messy, depressing laundry. Whether the girl worked at this unidentified Irish laundry, whether it was Catholic or Protestant, is unknown.1 But, it suited the story they wanted to tell.2 The program used reports about Irish Magdalen laundries to sensationalise its story about St Magdalen’s. In the revision, published mid-November 2023 (August 2023 ABC website), this has been replaced by a picture of the real St Magdalen’s laundry c1980.

The narrator, Donna Abela, gives a particular slant to the story of the penitents – especially in her search for a voice from one of the ‘hidden’ women. She presents May Gould as such a voice. Gould’s misleading claims about working in the Retreat’s laundry in 1906 were widely disseminated in The Watchman; later repudiated by her former supporters.3 It is a travesty that nearly 120 years later these are presented as a ‘factual account’. One of Gould’s assertions, that three nine-year-old girls were working in the laundry, was highlighted in the broadcast. In her rebuttal, Mother Dominic stated that the youngest there in fact was 14 and a family placement.4 Another was that she had worked in a Bathurst presbytery (she had not). The list goes on. (Details are given in Jeff Kildea’s article, ‘”The Missing Magdalens’: the ABC resurrects a ‘hidden story’ discredited more than a century ago”.) The story has been retained and its use defended.

Laundry interior, “St Magdalen’s Retreat, Tempe” 1899
Australian Town and Country Journal 10 June 1899.

Listening to this program, particularly the story of ‘the penitent’, I realised that I first encountered it in recent research.5 This prompted another look at the history of St Magdalen’s. By highlighting the so-called ‘hidden voice’ and restricting the discussion to the institution’s earliest phase – up to the first decades of the 20th century – the one most removed from modern society, the broadcast, even in its current form, continues to do a disservice to many girls and women, including the Religious, who lived there.6

St Magdalen’s was a part of my childhood in the 1960s and early 70s. I had a privileged experience. My father was in charge of the grounds. When I was in primary school and into my teenage years I spent some time in the holidays there. I rarely saw the girls but I do remember one, perhaps 16+, quietly sweeping the paths near the chapel on one visit. Not only was I free to explore the grounds at the front but I was permitted to use the swimming pool (I had a hearing condition). I fondly remember ‘Rosie’ calling out, “Hello Mary Angela” followed by an echo from someone else … the many styles and colours of the swimming costumes hanging in the dressing room. I recall the convent as a place of welcome and many of the Sisters, including Sister Process us (Sister Mary Gregory); the kitchen at the rear of the house – the aroma of decades of cooking baked into the plaster.7 It was there still in the early 1990s at an open day for Tempe House organised by the local historical society. The scent of the cedar ceiling in the chapel remained though the furnishing was sadly derelict. By that time the large buildings had been demolished following a fire – a few years after the Sisters sold the property to Qantas (1989).

The Order hoped the site could be developed into aged living, like the Good Shepherd Sisters’ Ashfield laundry, but Rockdale Council rejected this. A small group of Vincentians lived there for a few years. Qantas eventually sold it: enormous change followed. The front paddock was used in the construction of the airport railway line. Wolli Creek station was built and the surrounding area developed into what is seen today – high-rise residential buildings. What little remained of the laundry was not considered valuable built heritage, was demolished and replaced by multi-storey apartments. Tempe House was the focus of heritage restoration and also the chapel.8 A plaque near the chapel provides a brief outline of the Retreat and the chapel’s architectural heritage. ‘Wolli Creek’ replaced ‘Arncliffe’.

There is another story to tell. In St Magdalen’s 100 years tremendous changes occurred – more subtle than the foregoing but change nonetheless. This article can only be a sketch of such a long and complex record. A knowledge of local history situates this institution in a new context and offers some insights into its place in the local community.

Continue reading in the Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society, vol 44, 2023, page 22.

* Mary Barthelemy has an interest in researching and writing about history. She is currently employed as a public servant. This article is based on the author’s recollections, parish history and research as well as recent independent examination.

  1. Unidentified Magdalen Laundry in Ireland early 20th century Laundries in Ireland. ↩︎
  2. Australian Town and Country produced a story and a two-page spread with photos of the Tempe laundry, dormitory, dining room, chapel, house and grounds in 1899. It also appears to be a source for some of the restoration of Tempe House. There are two laundry interiors either of which could have been used. “St Magdalen’s Retreat, Tempe” Australian Town and Country Journal 10 June 1899 p 31 ff. ↩︎
  3. “The Bathurst Presbytery and the Tempe ‘Escapee’: a retraction by Dr Dill Macky” National Advocate 6 August 1906 p 2. Her former supporters were not afraid to class her a liar and in print. ↩︎
  4. “A Shameless Slander Exposed” Freeman s Journal 14 July 1906 p 17. ↩︎
  5. I intend to update this book: M Smith, M Barthelemy-Reason, A History of Sts Peter & Paul Cook’s River Tempe 1858-2008 Enmore-Tempe Parish, Enmore, 2008. ↩︎
  6. For all the program’s emphasis on young unmarried mothers, St Magdalen’s at Tempe/Arncliffe was not this type of refuge. The Sisters of Mercy Foundling Home at Waitara became one. ↩︎
  7. The shed housing equipment my father used had a large crack in its base due to having been built over a pool, there was also a large stand of tall bamboo nearby. The pool and bamboo are mentioned in “Our Catholic Institutions. No. XV. Magdalene Retreat.” Catholic Press 20 June 1896 p 16. Neither was preserved in the redevelopment. ↩︎
  8. Casey & Lowe Pty Ltd Tempe House and Grounds: Non-Indigenous Archaeological Investigation (2002-6) Report to Australand May 2010 (laundry remains pp 19-21 ). The lack of a plaque for a non-existent laundry building can hardly be blamed on the Sisters (or the Catholic Church). That was the provenance of the site conservationists and the developers. ↩︎