This anonymous letter was written to Mr. George Hawk (known popularly as “The Bird”) when he was seeking aldermanic honours in 1900. Mr. Hawk was a well-known temperance worker – hence the heavy-handed humour.
Sewerside Brewery,
October 18, 1900.
– Bird Esq.,
Dear Sir,
As we understand it is your intention to give the ratepayers of Penshurst Ward a ‘blow-out’ on Saturday next, we shall be glad to be favoured with a share of your patronage. We think you will find the subjoined price list replete in every detail, and somewhere in keeping with your cramped ideas of liberality.
Wishing you success in the Aldermanic contest; and trusting to receive your further esteemed orders when you contest the electorate of St.George.
Yours very discriminately,
Swiller & Coy.
per …. S. Oaker.
Real beer 9d. per gallon
Tanglefoot 8d. per gallon
Poison (our special election brew) 6 1/2d. per gallon
Aerated waters (with any of the above) Gratis
NB. The usual terms to Aldermen. CASH BEFORE DELIVERY
Editor’s Note: George Hawk was successful in the 1900 election to serve as a Hurstville Council Alderman.
This article was first published in the June 1965 edition of our magazine.
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